Our Story
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Our History

Founders Charles and Helene Swaim first opened the doors of Swaim Serum Company in 1948 as a farm and supply store located in the upper part of Oklahoma City Stockyards. At that time, the company was manufacturing a serum for hog cholera –a virus that caused multiple agricultural epidemics in the late 1800s and early 1900s. After the business relocated to its current location in the 1970s, the company continued as a pet and farm supply store. In 1970, the Swaim’s son John graduated from veterinary school. To this day, you can still find the alcohol pump at the back of the building, where employees used to pump rubbing alcohol to be bottled and sold, much like how we pump gasoline today. In 1994, Dr. John Swaim opened Swaim’s Veterinary Clinic. Throughout the years, many different veterinarians have worked here and helped the pets of Oklahoma City and the surrounding area. Swaim’s Veterinary Clinic has also participated in groundbreaking studies about heartworm disease with Oklahoma State University’s parasitology expert, Dr. Susan Little.